are you a biologist?
I am an artist who’s obsessed with the natural world.
you really use colored pencil for all your work?
i do!
the only digital work i do is clean-up/editing.
do you have employees?
i do not!
my partner helps print all the textiles, helps me with website design + optimization, helps immensely with show setup/teardown, and will help take packages to the post office. But it is quite literally just me who does all the planning, drawing, printing, package design, order processing, and probably lots of other things that i’ve missed. managing over 600 products is no joke!
do you sit out in your backyard to find all these species to draw?
unfortunately, no.
i use www.illinoiswildflowers.info for the majority of my species research and it provides a great jumping-off point for faunal associations.
why do you not capitalize species' names or italicize latin?
ever since i was a teen, i’ve written/typed using all lowercase whenever possible and that has become my style. i mean absolutely no disrespect to science!
why do your birds not have legs?
i have no idea! the first couple that i drew did not have legs and i just kept that tradition going. ha! (also, i mean no disrespect to birds.)
can i use one of your drawings for a tattoo?
see the form here for image usage.
also, i’m typically available to draw a custom design!